Created in 1995, the Clos des Roches now has about 1300 plants. More than a dozen different grape varieties produce both white and red wines. This is probably the only naturist vineyard.
Wine tastings
Visitors, seasonal campers, everyone is welcome to the wine tastings. They are posted at the Maison du Vignoble at the Village de la Pommerie and on the bulletin boards. And why not join the vineyard club!
The vegetative cycle of the vine
It’s April, the last snow is melting. The vine growers watch the moment to remove the canvases.
In early May, the canvases are just removed as the buds are out. (The protective scales that covered the bud have spread, revealing the fluff: it is the bud burst.) At the end of May, leaves and vines appear and then multiply rapidly.
In early June, the first flowers come out (they look like small grapes). Then the flowers open: we see the pistils. This is the period of fertilization. We are at the end of June. Once fertilized, the ovary of the flower turns into fruit: it is fruit set.
July is the closing of the bunch: the grapes grow, the bunch becomes denser.
From mid-August the sap will start to go down and the reserves will accumulate in the roots. It’s Augusting. The branches of the year (green) are lignified to protect themselves from the cold and become brown (wood).
Mid-October to November, the leaves begin to fall, it is the beginning of the vegetative rest. This is the time for the winemakers to proceed with the fall pruning and cover the plants with geotextile fabrics to protect them from frost.
The Viticulture Activities
Developed and maintained by about twenty members, the Clos requires each season the following viticulture activities:
Removal of geotextile fabrics
In the spring, remove the canvas that protected the plants from the frost during the winter.
Each spring, replace the plants that died during the winter.
Mainly in spring, and throughout the season thereafter, prune the vine shoots to prevent them from developing too many leaves and branches and not enough fruit.
Repair of supports
At the beginning of the season, repair broken pins and poles.
Weed Control
Throughout the season, remove weeds to maximize production.
Disease control
Throughout the season, do the required spreadings against funghi and other enemies of the vine.
Throughout the season, harrow to remove weeds, aerate and loosen the soil.
Installation of nets
In late August, protection against birds, raccoons and two-legged visitors.
Removal of nets and grape harvest
In September or October, according to the grape varieties and the sunshine of the season, harvest of the grapes and storage of the nets for the winter.
Fall pruning
End of October or November, when the plants are obsolete, pruning of the plants in preparation for spring.
Installation of geotextile fabrics
In November, laying geotextile fabrics to protect plants from frost.
Ice wine press
In January, ice wine press.
The Viniculture Activities
During the autumn and winter, wine-making activities are carried out, namely:
Wine making
Stripping, crushing, maceration, pressing.
Wine breeding
Pumping, transfer to barrels, topping, deacidification, bottling.
The dressing
Capsulation and labeling of bottles and tastings.